Anastasia III
Moored at Clear Lake, Texas, USA, Anastasia III is home to Keith Emmons. The vessel – a Krogen 42 – was built in Taiwan in 1986 and Keith has lived aboard for six years. She is 42ft (12.6m) long and the design is based on a traditional fishing trawler but is built in modern composite materials. Her forerunners were used for catching shrimp and spending many days out at sea, so her nautical pedigree is without question. However, it is unlikely the captains of such ships would have enjoyed the style and comfort that Keith enjoys in Anastasia III . He has spent the last two years upgrading her navigation equipment so that he can spend more time doing what he loves – long-distance cruising. A full tank of fuel gives Anastasia III a cruising range of 2000 nautical miles or more. Keith chose a life afloat aboard Anastasia III because of the freedom it gives him. He says: ‘I love the freedom and atmosphere. This is real waterfront property! There are always lots of nice people around, or you can just be secluded if you like. No property taxes and if I don’t like where I am I can start the engine and move.’ The only downside for Keith is that he could do with more space; he is 6ft tall (1.8m) and is constantly banging his elbows in the shower. Cooking and hot water are provided by bottled gas, with a stern mounted barbecue for outdoor cooking. The main engines also generate hot water when cruising, and a large battery bank and generator keep all the ship’s systems running, including an air conditioner, when away from a shore connection

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